Principles of Success

Principles of Success

Success in life is knowing Jesus Christ.  Success in life is knowing God’s Ways.  We are successful in life when we persevere in doing what is right, for the glory of God.  Success in life is abiding in Christ. Success in life is entering the kingdom of heaven, which is within us (Luke 17:21, KJV).  These principles of success are the key to riches and honor and eternal life (Rom. 2:7).

The mind of man cannot conceive what God has planned for those He loves.  No good thing will He withhold from the person who lives the right way and glorifies God in heaven each day by doing good works (Psalm 84:11; Matt. 5:16).  The righteous are repaid according to the deeds of love they have done in Jesus’ name (Col. 3:17).  The Bible tells us that when we cast our bread upon the waters, after many days it will return to us (Eccl. 11:1).  Yes, for every good thing we do, in service to others for the glory of God - expecting nothing in return, we will receive a reward many times more than the good we have done (Eph. 6:8; 2 Cor. 9:10).  It is impossible to give more than God can.

Those people who serve others are most precious.  They are greatly appreciated by men as well as by God.  How blessed is the man who considers the helpless, the poor and the needy.  The Lord will deliver him in his day of trouble.  The Lord will protect him and keep him alive.  That person who helps and serves others shall be called blessed on the earth.  The Lord will not only protect him from his enemies, He will also keep him alive when he is sick.  He will restore such a person to health (Psalm 41:1-3).

The Lord will give His Spirit to anyone who begins to obey what He says and turns at His reproof (Prov. 1:23).  The Bible remains a closed book to those who refuse to repent and obey it (2 Cor. 4:3-4). To repent, is to begin to obey Jesus Christ by serving others.  Jesus Christ is calling us to be servants of others.  Jesus Christ, our example, did not come to be served - but to serve (Mark 10:45).  He said the greatest among us would be the one who serves the most (Matt. 20:26-28; Phil. 2:2-5; Luke 9:48; Matt. 23:11; Mark 9:35; 10:43-44; 1 Cor. 10:24).

These words are indeed the principles of success in this life and the one to come.   Yes, Jesus Christ - our Lord and Master - came to show us how to be servants of others on a one-to-one basis, so we can be truly successful for God’s glory.   Remember, if the righteous are scarcely saved, what is going to happen to those who will not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 4:18)?  For without holiness, which comes as a result of practicing righteousness, no one will see the Lord (Heb. 12:14, KJV).

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