How Stubborn Are We?

In the parable of the sower, the only persons who made the grade when they heard the true message of the kingdom where those whose seed was sown on good ground (Matt. 13:23).  The good ground represents those with an honest and good heart (Luke 8:15).  There are few people with honest and good hearts and that is why many are called and few chosen.  It is also why very few find the narrow Way (Matt. 7:14).

You cannot know the message of God unless you live the message by being a daily doer of good.  You must put into practice the truth in order to come to the understanding of the light (John 3:21).  You must be willing to do God’s Will in order to know the teaching (John 7:17).  You must live the message in order to say you believe in Jesus Christ, then and only then will you never die (John 11:26).  To believe in the Son is to obey the Son, and to obey the Son, you must keep His sayings and do them and perform them (John 3:36; 8:51; 12:47-48; Luke 6:46).

The message of repentance is always the same.  Overcome evil by doing good if you expect to abide forever (Psalm 34:13-14; 37:27; Rom. 12:21; 1 Peter 3:10; Dan. 4:27; Is. 1:16-17; Zeph. 2:3).  This is just what our evil nature does not want to hear.  It wants to be told the message that says do nothing and you will be saved (Titus 1:16).  

When you hear this message, you are warned not to harden your heart - by not living it right away.  The message of serving others and doing good becomes nothing more than a good intention to the many, but those few with honest and good hearts begin immediately so their hearts do not begin to harden.  A hardened criminal is one who is given every opportunity to change but doesn’t.  His desire is to remain who he is and not be told what to do. 

What happens to those God has called, who have less than an honest and good heart?  Are they doomed to be destroyed in the lake of fire?  In Revelation 3:15, the Lord is disturbed by those who do not continue to worship Him with their whole heart by being zealous or hot for good works (Titus 2:14).  These people had been greatly blessed by God but then became lukewarm for good works for God’s glory (Matt. 5:16).  This spiritual sickness happens to many (Rev. 2:5; 3:1-2).   This is also what happened to the ancient Israelites when they had the same good news preached to them (Heb. 4:2).   

God wishes that none should perish so he helps the disobedient to repent.  God disciplines us for our own good (Heb. 12:10-11).  In the very near future, He will bring many to repentance by bringing on the plagues of Revelation.  He will make the sun seven times brighter or hotter to scorch men in order to force their evil natures to repent (Rev. 16:8-11).  He will make hail, about 127 pounds in size, come down to get people’s attention and help them repent.  A worldwide earthquake will topple all the tall buildings in all the cities of every nation (Rev. 16:18-19).  Even Jerusalem will be split into three parts.  However, people will continue to blaspheme God (Rev. 16:21).  

Everyone on this earth will wonder what’s happening?  But those who serve the Lord by serving others and live to please Him in all their ways will understand clearly what’s happening.  They will have been given eyes to see by God because they have been obedient to His voice—the Bible (Rev. 17:8-9).  They are the ones who have come out of religious confusion, religious Babylon, and worship God with their bodies by the way they live (Rom. 12:1).  They are continually helping those in need, which is pure religion, undefiled (James 1:27)

The Day of the Lord is not to be taken lightly (Zeph. 1:14-18; Is. 66:15-17).  God wants us to return to Him so that He can return to us (Zech. 1:3-4; 7:10-12)

Notice, the message of how to repent has never changed.  Good works are necessary for repentance (Acts 26:20).  This is the one message that caused the people to despise the prophets of old.  These prophets were sent by God Himself to instruct the people on how to repent and amend their ways, deeds and actions. 

You’ll never have trouble telling a boy scout to do good; however many Christians seem to have trouble with it.  God has told us all along what is good and what He requires of us, but many refuse to listen (Micah 6:8)

The word of God is clear that the majority of those God is calling, in the last days, will suffer greatly to be perfected by Him.  All one needs to do is review these few Scriptures:  Revelation 6:11; 9:15; 13:7; 14:12-13; 18:24; 20:4; and 2:10.  God in His mercy will even save those who are lukewarm by testing them severely, if necessary.  What a great and wonderful God we live to serve, one who cares more for us than we do for ourselves (Ezek. 33:31-33)!  Hallelujah!