How to Be Good

The words of a familiar song say, “He knows when you’ve been sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows when you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.” Why not be good for God’s sake?

Yes, we are constantly telling our children to be good, but why? Good things happen to good people. The word of God says: “If the righteous are rewarded in the earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner!” (Prov. 11:31). Psalm 125:4 says: “Do good, oh Lord, to those who are good. 

Yes, God wants children to be good. He tells little children not to let anyone deceive them, and that the one who practices righteousness is righteous, even as God is righteous (1 John 3:7). He also tells the little children not to love with the words of their mouths only, but with good deeds. By this, they will know they are of the truth and be sure in their hearts that they are God’s friends (1 John 3:18-19). God wants little children to live as Jesus Christ gave them example to live, so that when He returns, they will have confidence and not shrink away in shame.

God’s word tells you how to abide in Him. It says: “If you know that Jesus Christ is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness [daily] is born of Him” (1 John 2:28-29). You must, however, do all that you do in word or deed in the name of Jesus Christ, as happy slaves of Jesus Christ (Col. 3:17). Righteousness is doing God’s Will from the heart (Eph. 6:6). You know that you love the children of God (others) when you love God and practice or do His commandments; and they are not hard to keep (1 John 5:2-3). You keep them daily by continually doing things that are pleasing in God’s sight (1 John 3:22).

If you are to walk with God, then you must walk in His commandments, just as you have heard from the beginning that you should walk in them (2 John 6). You walk in His commandments by practicing righteousness—by being careful to engage in good deeds (Titus 3:8). This is something you’re going to have to learn to do (Titus 3:14). But realize this: whatever good you do, this you will receive back from the Lord (Eph. 6:8). When all you sow is righteousness, all you’ll reap is blessings, for God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name (Gal. 6:7; Heb. 6:10).