Are We Truly Civilized?

Are We Truly Civilized?

The world is full of great learning institutions. Colleges and institutions of higher learning are big business. Tuition is constantly on the rise and, in many cases, the cost is astronomical.

Yet, even with all this so-called "higher learning," we can’t get along, like decent human beings.  The divorce rate is higher than ever before. Crime is at an all-time high. Prisons are overflowing, with a pressing need for more to be built. As a result, hardened criminals are being released from the prisons back on to our streets. Insanity is on the rise. Moral standards have never been lower. Behavior that was considered immoral 40, or even 20 years ago, is now socially acceptable.  Our politicians and leaders lie to us, without a second thought.

How can we have all these serious problems if our institutions of higher learning are so great? They have failed us and for good reason.  Godlessness is taught in our colleges.  Eastern religious customs, like yoga, meditation and mindfulness, are taught in our nursery schools, preschools, grade schools, high schools and colleges, among other things that do not agree with the word of God.  

What does God in heaven say about higher learning or the so-called “wisdom” of this world? The wisdom and the knowledge of this world is foolishness before God (1 Cor. 3:19). God’s word says that the knowledge of this world is demonic (James 3:15). No wonder Jesus had no formal education (John 7:15)!  All He needed was God’s word.

Jeremiah understood that man was never created by God to direct his own steps or think his own thoughts, which are not good (Jer. 10:23; 16:12; Is. 45:19; 48:17; 65:2; Prov. 3:5-6; 14:12; 16:25; 20:24; Psalm 25:12-13; Deut. 12:8). We are missing the most important information we need for living a successful life, the greatest knowledge of all – from the greatest teacher of all time, Jesus Christ.

God created us all to keep His Ways and do His Will on this earth daily, as it is being done daily by God in heaven (Gen. 18:19; Deut. 10:12; Matt. 6:10). This is how we are to serve only Him (Matt. 4:10). This is what Christ came to show us.  If we keep His Ways, then we will abound in prosperity (Prov. 28:9-11). True knowledge makes a people of honor, with wisdom, integrity and dignity. True knowledge comes only from God and makes a people who are civilized.

People could not be further away from their Maker than they are today. How many people do you know today who are living for God as Abraham, Joseph, King David, the Apostle Paul or Dorcas (Acts 9:36)? 

The Lord is coming very soon to forcefully civilize this world so full of sin.  He will do this by eliminating the wicked from the earth, who are those who won’t obey His word (1 Peter 4:18). If we are going to be judged by God’s word, as the Bible says we will be, don’t you think we should begin now to obey His word daily, so we will be spared when He comes with His wrath (John 12:47-50; Rev. 3:10; Luke 21:34-36)?

Let’s begin to study our Bibles daily, to find out what God’s Ways (Will) are, so that we no longer remain foolish (Eph. 5:17; Rom. 12:1-2; 6:13-19; 8:13; Gal. 5:16; Is. 2:3; Micah 4:2). Let’s stop following the crowd and accepting what man says as truth, when it doesn’t agree with what God says.  God tells us to separate ourselves from the world.  If we are a friend of the world we are an enemy of God (James 4:4).  Find out what God expects of you and what He requires of you, so that you will no longer be one of the “crowd” but someone following after God’s own heart.

Isn’t it time to be truly civilized, by keeping God’s Ways and turning from our wicked ways? Then God can bless us, as well as protect us, from what will shortly come to pass (Acts 3:26; Is. 3:10).