Doing Good in Secret

Doing Good in Secret

Doing good in secret is simply doing acts of kindness and charity for God, and keeping it between you and the Lord, not calling attention to yourself or making a big deal of what you do.  In doing this, you wouldn’t go about telling people of the good works you did, but would do it so it can be a secret between you and the Lord, and you can therefore be rewarded as such.  These acts of charity are done for God’s glory (Matt. 6:1-4).  It’s so easy and truly the most rewarding, and fulfilling, when done in secret. This doesn’t mean you are lurking about in dark corners, in some sort of disguise so no one will see you, but is more of an overall attitude and intent, doing the best you can to remain anonymous, as often as you can.  On occasion, depending on the act of charity, it may not be as easy as it sounds but just do your best, keeping the right attitude, and intent, and you will be blessed.

There are so many easy and simple ways you can do this.  You can show love to others in words and deeds by being kind to everyone you meet, as an example of godliness in the world (Prov. 12:14). You can be a friend to the lowly, cheer up those who need it and show compassion to those who are suffering (Rom.12:16, Zech. 7:9).  You can show kindness to your co-workers, family and neighbors, or anyone really, by doing something nice for them anonymously and not revealing that you are doing it for the Lord in secret.  You can randomly buy someone a cup of coffee, (maybe someone in line behind you that looks like they could use some cheering up) and tell the cashier not to mention it was you. Send flowers to someone going through a difficult time with an encouraging note attached that is not signed.  Give money in secret to someone who is struggling and is really down and out.  Drop off chicken soup at the door of someone who is sick with an anonymous little get well note.  These are just a few examples, there are so many simple things you can do to show kindness and love, without calling attention to yourself or telling others of the good you are doing all day long for God, as deeds of repentance (Matt. 5:16; Acts 26:20).  This is truly a beautiful and godly way to live, that will bring blessings in to your life (Ps. 112:1-10).

If you did these acts of kindness for God on a daily basis, in secret, and continued to overcome your old nature by doing so, you would be building Christ’s righteous character in yourself (Rev. 2:26; Gal 4:19). Each night you would come before God the Father and confess that everything you said and did was done in the name of Jesus Christ for the glory of God, as you were commanded to in Colossians 3:17. 

Now, occasionally you might tell others about something you did in secret, in order to give them a godly example of how to do the same (Titus 2:7-8). If your motive for telling what you did was to teach them by your example, you would not lose your reward (1 Cor. 11:1). Even the occasional act of teaching by your example would be a righteous act, if it was not done for self-righteous reasons or to be noticed by men (Matt. 23:1-5).

However, by keeping your righteousness between you and the Lord, and doing it in secret, you will reap tremendous rewards being you are doing it not to be seen by men or be glorified by them (where you would have your reward in full) but to please your Lord, building up rewards in heaven instead (Matt. 6:19-21).  Remember, it’s all about the intent of your heart and the attitude behind it all. God judges us by our hearts (1 Chron. 28:9).

Doing good in secret is a fantastic, fulfilling and simple way to please the Lord (1 John 3:22).  Once you begin to serve the Lord in this way you will see how exciting it really is.  If all you sow is righteousness, then all you’ll reap is blessings. This is how you enter the good life that God has waiting for you (Acts 3:26).