Who Do You Really Worship?

Many people don’t realize the fact that ignoring God daily is worshipping Satan.  Living for self is worshipping Satan.  The love of money and selfish ambition is the source of every evil thing and is worshipping Satan (1 Tim. 6:10-11).  Being religiously deceived is worshipping Satan. Being deceived by anything or anyone of the world is falling prey to Satan’s schemes, and therefore worshipping Him.  If anything of this world takes precedence in your life, over what you know to be true according to God, it has become an idol in your life and you are worshipping the world, who’s ruler is Satan (2 Cor. 4:4).  If one’s emotions are too strongly set on something, that is wrong and it has become an idol. Idolatry is defined as excessive love, adoration or devotion to anything such as food, drink, clothing, cars, boats, homes or pleasure.  These things are idolatry (Col. 3:5; Ezek. 14:7). Love for money makes money one’s idol.  It is wrong to idolize anyone whether it be fame, politics or otherwise.  When we do this, we put what we idolize before God (Matt. 4:10; Isa. 2:22).

We are to seek the truth and the truth will set us free (John 8:32).  The Bible says God’s word is truth, and we are expected to study it, obey it and practice the truth to come to the knowledge of the light—real truth (John 3:21; Deut 28:15; John 3:36, Ps. 106:3; Ezra 7:10; 2 Tim 2:15 KJV).  

The true worship of God involves walking in the Law by keeping it in the Spirit (Rom. 12:21; 8:13; John 4:24). The true worshipers of God live as God lives by keeping His Ways. They imitate God and His Son daily—living holy, righteous, blameless, perfect lives as Jesus Christ, King David, Job and Noah did (Eph. 5:1; Matt. 5:48). 

True worship of God is not hard (1 John 5:3). In fact, it’s very easy and pleasant (Matt. 11:30). But it does require obedience to a loving Creator. True worship of God through a holy Way of life is all but nonexistent today. Only the empty form of pagan rituals remains. Very few people live the “God life.” Very few experience the good life which is filled with peace, prosperity and every good thing. People have substituted a form of religion for holiness (Rom 10:2-3; Mark 7:6-9). And therefore, they practice idolatry instead of God’s pure and undefiled religion, which is simply serving those in need and staying unstained by the world (James 1:27).

Who proclaims and substitutes this form of religion that is not of God today?  False ministers.   They appear as nice guys on the outside, but inside they are ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matt. 7:15).  Many wear different clothing or a robe to make people think they are very religious or holy.  Many thrive on notoriety and love to sit in places of honor at banquet tables (Matt. 23:1-7; Luke 20:46; Mark 12:39)  

How can you distinguish false ministers from God’s true servants?  God’s ministers can be recognized by their fruits, and those fruits are good works (Col. 1:10).  Their message should be to repent and overcome evil by engaging in good works daily for the glory of God (Rom. 12:21; Matt. 5:16).  These good works are to be done in the name of Jesus (Col. 3:17).  If Jesus is purifying for Himself a peculiar people who are zealous for good works, then His true ministers would themselves be examples of good works (Titus 2:7-8, 14).  

Halley’s Bible Handbook says on page 643;  “One of the indictments of false teachers was that they were “unto every good work reprobates” which means they express their disapproval of good works and are not of God’s elect, when looking up the word reprobate.  It then references Titus 1:16; “They profess to know God but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.”  False ministers then, would be enemies of good works for God, preaching over and over that works are not necessary for salvation (Acts 13:10).  

Then the people, not knowing their Bibles and not caring to know their Bibles, blindly go along to the slaughter, following their blind leaders (Matt. 15:12-14).  They both fall into a ditch or rut, and nobody puts on the new nature and gets rid of the old (Eph. 4:22-24).  No one becomes a new creature with Christ formed in him (Gal. 4:19).  No one becomes complete (2 Cor. 13:9).  

Jesus says the greatest in the kingdom will be the servant of the most (Matt. 23:11).  People are not told to be servants of others for the glory of God; they are told, instead, to let the church do the good works.  They are told, “If someone is in need, call your pastor.”  He is a righteous man, so they believe.  But if so, he should be duplicating himself by the hundreds.  People should not be looking up to him, but to Christ, their true example of daily righteousness.  

How many do you know who walk like Christ, talk like Christ, do Christ’s works daily, and are overcoming their evil natures (1 John 2:6)?  How many slaves of righteousness do you know (Rom. 6:19)?  Do you know any slaves of Jesus Christ who are doing the Will of God—the Will being righteousness—daily on this earth, just as it is being done in heaven (Rom 12:2; Eph. 6:6)?  How many put God first in their life above all else?

Jesus gave us examples, but many people give Him excuses.  What’s yours?