Satan's Number One Weapon

Satan’s Number One Weapon

‘Feeling Sorry For Yourself’

People who feel sorry for themselves indulge in the flesh and its corrupt desires (Rom. 8:13).  The symptoms of feeling sorry for self include grumbling, complaining and finding fault with others (Jude 14-24; 1 Cor. 5:7; Gal. 5:16, 19-21).  

Consider the force that motivate those who practice the deeds of the flesh mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21.  One thing they all have in common is the fact that they feel sorry for themselves.  Before a man robs a bank, he must first think of the idea.  Then he must dwell on it (James 1:14-15).  He must then justify his actions by feeling sorry for himself; then the act is committed.  These people have been overcome by Satan’s number one weapon—self pity.

Now take a moment and reflect upon your sins of the past and how feeling sorry for yourself was an integral part of each sin.  If you are honest with yourself, you must admit that when you feel sorry for yourself, you open yourself up to Satan.  When you allow Satan to make you feel sorry for yourself, he will tempt you to continually justify what you want that you shouldn’t have, until the evil deed is accomplished.  

The Apostle Paul said that he had learned the secret of being content in whatever state he found himself (Phil. 4:11).  That’s quite a secret and this article explains that secret in detail.

How can we put to death and destroy Satan’s number one weapon?  The first thing we must do is become aware of the different ways we can feel sorry for ourselves. 

Don’t allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself in any area of your life because that is not accepting the day God has for you to help you ℹ️overcome.  It is not positive, not good, not wholesome, not uplifting, not creative and it is non-productive thinking (Phil. 4:8).  Self pity turns people off on your personality.  It is the source of sick self-love. 

We need to train and discipline ourselves according to righteousness, according to the right things we should be doing for God.  We need to train ourselves to be content, train ourselves to be happy, train ourselves to study God’s word on a daily basis and train ourselves to pray for others as well as our own needs (1 Tim. 4:7; Eccl. 3:22; 2 Tim 2:15; James 5:16).

When we trust in God in all things, then feeling sorry for ourselves is no longer part of our character.  It has been replaced by total ℹ️faith.  God’s word admonishes us to be content with our wages (Luke 3:14).  Godliness is a means of great gain, if and when it is accompanied by contentment (1 Tim. 6:6).  If you have enough to eat and clothes to wear, you should be content (1 Tim. 6:8).  Let your life be free from the love of money and be content with what you have.  You have God as your friend, your protector, your provider.  You have eternal life dwelling in you.  

Can you see how much faith our brothers and sisters had in the past? Even upon martyrdom, many said with bold confidence, “The Lord is my helper, I shall not fear what man shall do to me” (Heb. 13: 5-6).

Let us put to death Satan’s number one weapon.  We must destroy it by practicing contentment in the areas of our life that are not now content.  We need to continually be on guard that our hearts are not weighted down with the worries of this life.  We need to become godly examples to others who are running the race and fighting the good fight.  We are either God’s example or we become ℹ️stumbling blocks to others.

We must bring all facets of our lives into the captivity of what Jesus Christ said we should do.  He has given us His Spirit so that we have the desire to do what we should, and we have His personal power to help us do it.  He has given us the same power that created this world.  Nothing shall be impossible to us.  

So, let us continue to fight the good fight of faith and not gripe or complain, bellyache or feel sorry for ourselves any longer.  The time is short.  Redeem this time for the days are very evil.

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