Where Wisdom Ends and Faith Begins

Where Wisdom Ends and Faith Begins

Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge.  When that knowledge is derived from philosophy or from the higher learning of man, it is termed human knowledge or philosophy.  This type of wisdom is of the world and is foolishness according to the word of God (Eccl. 12:11-12).

There is another wisdom, and it is from God.  Just as God gives His Holy Spirit to those who obey Him, He also gives His wisdom liberally to those who ask Him (Acts 5:32; James 1:5).  There is little godly wisdom in this world because God’s words lie dormant in the Bible, waiting for people to obey them.  God’s wisdom is based on His laws.  His laws are based on His Ways, and His Ways represent His Will.  As His followers, we are to do His Will daily on this earth as it is done in heaven (Matt. 6:10). 

King Solomon was God’s example to the world of how much wisdom He is capable of bestowing on each of us if we will seek and obey Him by serving others for God’s glory (1 Kings 3:9-12).  When we are zealously obeying the Lord by keeping His deeds and overcoming our evil side, our faith in this spiritual Way of life increases.  As we grow daily in the Lord by imitating Him, our faith grows also (Eph. 5:1).  Unless we become daily doers of His words, it is impossible for our faith to grow.  James 2:22 says our faith is made complete by our works.

A transformation begins from the inside as we continue to live to please the Lord each day on the outside.  Our love for God increases, as does our faith.  As we continue to serve Him by serving others, we learn to love one another from the heart (1 Thess. 4:9; 3:12).  God causes the necessary growth and soon we become new creatures (1 Cor. 3:7; Gal. 6:15).

When we have done everything we can do in any given situation and the trial or test continues, then our faith in God takes over.  As doers of God’s word we can have full assurance that there is an answer or solution forthcoming from God (James 1:22).  This full assurance comes when we live to do what is right in God’s sight on a daily basis (1 John 3:22).  There will be situations when we can do nothing and we must rely solely on the Lord to come to our rescue.  Our daily righteous Way of life guarantees the Lord’s response to our needs in these times of distress.

Blind faith, on the other hand, is when we force a test on God by allowing something wrong to continue without doing anything about it.  It is only when we do all we can according to the wisdom God gives us, and then rely on the Lord, that all will go well.  Remember though, we must do our part by using God’s wisdom, instead of our own (Prov. 3:5).  If we let our children do something dangerous and claim that God will protect them, we are forcing a test on God.  We cannot allow our children to be in situations that could harm them mentally, physically or morally, and then expect God to protect them in that situation.  This is forcing a test on God.  It is not using godly wisdom, but rather the blind wisdom of this world.

God’s wisdom warns those who desire to love and obey Him not to keep bad company.  Evil people corrupt good morals (1 Cor. 15:33).  Violence breeds violence.  But there are some who continue to live by their own thoughts, apart from what God’s law book teaches.  They are not living by God’s Ways, but continuing to live by their own ways and thoughts which are not good.  Yet, they expect that if they have faith in God, the Lord will protect them in every situation.  Not so!  They are out of God’s Will so their prayers are not according to God’s Will.

Faith without works is dead (James 2:26).  Faith without daily obedience to God is dead.  Faith without God’s wisdom is dead.  Faith without doing God’s Will daily is dead.  Faith without daily prayer is dead.  Faith without the knowledge of God’s word is dead, so continue to study to show yourself approved to God (2 Tim. 2:15). 

Remember the big three.  Put God first, then others, then yourself:

1.         Study God’s word daily (Acts 17:11).

2.         Apply it by serving others for God (Matt. 25:40).

3.         Pray for others first each day, and then for your own needs (1 Peter 3:12).

Study, apply and pray.  This will assure the growth, the wisdom and the full assurance that the Lord will answer your prayers. 

Clean out the old leaven—all your ways that are not presently pleasing to God—and become a new lump, a brand new creation (1 Cor. 5:7; Gal. 6:15).  When you pray, make sure that you have done your part in the best way possible.  Then you will have the full assurance that your prayers will be respected by the Lord.  This is where wisdom ends and faith begins.

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