Checklist for Believers

Checklist for Believers

Many are unaware today that we were created to fulfill Scripture. There are the Scriptures that the wicked will fulfill and there are the Scriptures that the righteous will fulfill.

It is a true believer’s responsibility to study God’s word daily to find those things that please God in heaven and, thus, come into the knowledge of the truth (Rom. 12:2; Titus 1:1). If only the doers of God’s word are justified, then it is truly “do or die” (James 1:22; Luke 13:3, 5; John 12:47-50).

Below is a small checklist to guide you and stimulate you along the path of the righteous:

1.) Has the righteousness you have been practicing exceeded that of the scribes and Pharisees yet (Matt. 5.20)?

2.) Have you ever been weary in well-doing (2 Thess. 3:13; Gal. 6:9)?

3.) Have you learned how to engage in good deeds yet (Titus 3:14)?

4.) Have you entertained the lame, the blind and the poor for a meal yet (Luke 14:13-14)?

5.) Have you practiced hospitality for God yet (Heb. 13:2; 1 Peter 4:9-10)?

6.) As a slave of Christ, are you doing the Will of God from the heart yet (Eph 6:6)?

7.) When is the last time you went out of your way to visit someone in the hospital for God (Matt. 25:34-40)?

8.) Are you doing all that you do in word and deed in the name of Jesus Christ like you were told (Col. 3:17)?

9.) Do you imitate God in all your daily behavior (Eph. 5:1)?

10.) Do you make sure all the words which come out of your mouth are words that would come out of God’s mouth (1 Peter 4:11)?

11.) Have you put all abusive speech and filthy communication aside (Col. 3:8)?

12.) Do you pay your bills on time and are you striving to owe no man anything (Psalm 37:21; Rom. 13:8)?

13.) Have you asked God for anything lately or are you trying to do it by yourself (1 Peter 5:7; Matt. 6:6; 7:7-11)?