God's Nature vs. Human Nature

God’s Nature vs. Human Nature

Once it is understood what God’s nature is and that it is obtained by getting rid of human nature, we can begin to clearly understand the conversion process for true disciples of Jesus Christ. God’s method is very thorough and requires diligence on our part. God knows that what we diligently practice to be, we will eventually become.

This process of having God’s nature formed in us begins when we start to practice righteousness for God on a daily basis. We cannot be persecuted for righteousness unless we practice righteousness, can we? Noah couldn’t be a preacher of righteousness unless he practiced righteousness (2 Peter 2:5; Gen. 6:9). Once we understand that God is righteous in regard to all His deeds, and that we are, by nature, evil and the most we can do is practice righteousness and allow God to do the perfecting, we can truly understand the phrase, “Righteous men made perfect” (Psalm 11:7; 33:5; 116:5; 129:4; 145:17; Heb. 12:23). God makes us perfect through suffering, the same as Jesus Christ, our example, was perfected through suffering (Heb. 5:8-9). 

God tries and tests His disciples until the old nature is crushed and the new nature is perfected (Rom. 16:20; Heb. 12:11; 1 Peter 5:10; 4:12).  Human nature will not die without a fight. That’s why you must fight the good fight of faith, and have faith that God will implant His nature in you (1 Tim. 6:12; Psalm 4:5; Phil. 2:12). You will then be a new creature in Christ Jesus (Col. 1:28; 2 Cor. 5:17). 

When you have this new godly nature, then you will be righteous in all you do. You’ll be like Jesus because you will be keeping His deeds (Rev. 2:26). When all you do is righteousness, then all you’ll reap is blessings. You will be living the abundant life, full of joy and peace, that Jesus Christ came to show you (John 10:10; Acts 3:19, 26). You will understand that you were created to do good works and that the message of eternal life is righteousness (Eph. 2:10; John 8:51). 

Satan hates it when you practice righteousness for God’s glory because this is how he is put to death in your flesh (Matt. 5:16). Don’t let him stop you! Be zealous for good deeds and overcome your human nature (1 Peter 3:13; Rom. 12:21; Psalm 37:27). That’s how you resist Satan and have God’s nature formed in you (James 4:7; Eph. 6:11, 13). The God of peace and love, who is calling you to this holy Way of life, will soon crush Satan under your feet, and after you have suffered a little, God will perfect His nature in you (Rom. 16:20; 1 Peter 5:10; Gal. 4:19).

Once we are involved in the godly process, God considers us perfect, blameless, holy, upright and sinless. Our sins are forgiven—past, present and future. They are not held against us, but are sealed in a bag (Job 14:16-17). 

God’s Ways are so wonderful that they are beyond human understanding; that’s why you need God’s Spirit to understand them. Start living for Him and ask Him for His Spirit, and He will give it to you (Acts 5:32; Luke 11:13).

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