

Guilt is one of Satan’s most effective weapons. Satan wants you to feel you are not doing enough. He wants you to think you are unworthy. He wants you to doubt and he wants you to be discouraged. But all of these feelings are not in the Will of God (Mark 4:19). So how do you get rid of them and stop Satan from choking your relationship with God? 

These thoughts and feelings have no place in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. You know you are not worthy. You know you are not doing enough. But it is God’s job to perfect more of Christ’s character in you (1 Cor. 3:7). God trims any tree that bears fruit so it will bear more fruit (John 15:2). The fruit is righteousness, and when you practice righteousness, you are automatically going to bear good fruit. But notice! It is God who trims the branches so you can bear more good fruit. God builds the character in you that will produce more fruit. 

When you worry that you are not doing enough, you are opening a door to Satan so he can discourage you enough to quit altogether. If Satan can get you to quit bearing fruit in good works, he has accomplished his purpose, which is to stop you completely (Col. 1:10; 1 Peter 5:8). 

You are not to evaluate whether or not you are doing enough. You are just simply told to practice righteousness and overcome evil by practicing good (Rom. 12:21). You are to do it with enthusiasm until God makes it come from your heart.

Satan would like you to make a big deal out of it, when Christ said His Ways are easy and pleasant (Matt. 11:30). You just do the practicing and let God do the perfecting. Don’t let your human nature stop you. Have the mind of a little child. “Little children, let no one deceive you. The one who practices righteousness is righteous, even as God is righteous” (1 John 3:7). So, there is no need to feel guilty. Just continue pleasing God by doing what is right and pleasing in His sight, and you will abide in His love.

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